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Home » One of the largest Protests ever in Egypt; Army gives Muslim Brotherhood backed Government 48 Hours

One of the largest Protests ever in Egypt; Army gives Muslim Brotherhood backed Government 48 Hours


LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, and Steve share about the largest protests ever in Egypt and how the army has given present Morsi 48 hours to comply with the protesters demands.  They continue to share how Egyptians on the one year anniversary are protesting the Muslim Brotherhood backed, President Morsi.  One protester quoted in the Blaze as saying,

“You lied to us in the name of religion.”  They continue to share how our current White House administration backed the Muslim Brotherhood not only in Egypt but also in Syria.  They continue to discuss how the Middle East is experiencing great turmoil and about the radical terrorist that are involved in a civil war with President Bashar of Syria who are also supported by the White House administration.  One such rebel according the NY Daily News confirms that the rebels beheaded a Catholic priest allegedly for collaborating with President Bashar’s regime.  So much is presently happening in the Middle East while Israel sits vulnerable by the chaos that surrounds her.  They encourage us to be alert and pray for Israel and the persecuted Christians in the region.  The Egyptian army has given President Morsi 48 hours to respond to their request.  Time is ticking; let’s be found in prayer.  

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