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Home » Pro-life Ad Rejected; Too Controversial to run in 3 major U.S. newspapers?

Pro-life Ad Rejected; Too Controversial to run in 3 major U.S. newspapers?


LISTEN NOW: John, Pat and Chris discuss how a new pro-life ad was allegedly refused to be run by three major newspapers because they called the ad too controversial.  The ad shows a wide open hand holding a preborn 20 to 24 week old baby.  They discuss how amazing it is that other things that are printed are not considered controversial.  The word is getting out and so are the images that a baby is a baby and not a tissue.  They also continue to discuss how the truth and more light is continuing to break through as they share about a Bill, Parental Notice Act, in Illinois that was passed back in 1995 which is now taking effect requires that a parent or guardian would have to be notified at least 48 hours before an abortion is performed on a minor.   They share how this in the best interest of the unborn child as well as the minor as she will have to live out the consequences of whatever decision she makes.  




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