19 Firefighters die Fighting out of control Fire in Arizona, 6k Acres ablaze
LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Steve discuss the raging fires in Arizona that claimed the lives of 19 elite firefighters. According to abcnews.com “all but one of the Prescott- based Hotshot crew died in what was the deadliest wildfire for firefighters in the U.S. in decades.” They shared their condolences and prayers for all those who have suffered loss as a result of this deadly fire. They continue to share the importance of taking note of the fragility of life and to evaluate our own lives in the midst of this tragedy and those that have preceded this one. Tragedies like this give us the opportunity to remember all of the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to save lives as well us allow us to evaluate our lives in terms of our relationship with God, family and others.
Abortion Ban Headed for Round 2 in Texas UPDATE
John, Pat and Steve continue to discuss the 20 week abortion ban that is headed for round 2 in Texas. They continued to share a recent development in Texas where legislatures are set to vote and pass a bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks in the state of Texas. Governor Rick Perry has called another 30 day session that begins Monday which is a result of state senator Wendy Davis’s 11 hour filibuster and hundreds of demonstrators that ran out the clock to end the last session. According to Foxnews.com“Perry and Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst were equally confident they would be successful this time.” State Senator Wend Davis was quoted as saying “These are matters of personal liberty. In Texas, we hold very dear to intrusions against our personal liberty. We fight very hard against that. And we will fight as we begin the session again on Monday,” she said.” John, Pat, and Steve share how Wendy Davis’ comments are correct if we are talking about the personal liberty of a baby that has a constitutional right to live and not have his life ended. They reiterate what babycenter.com shares when they speak of the development of a baby that is 20 weeks in the womb. The baby will more than double in size when at two weeks and his nervous system is connecting to the brain as well as the baby having the ability to hear. They continue to encourage Christians to be faithful in prayer and to stand with those who are praying a simple prayer “Dear God, end abortion send revival.”
Constitution and Freedom Part 6 of 6
John, Pat and Steve discuss the fourth part of a six part series regarding the U.S Constitution and Freedom by Judge Andrew Napolitano. In order to fully understand, appreciate or protect anything that has ever been created it would serve us well to get an understanding of the original intent of the author, creator or inventor of the object. They continue to discuss that if we are going to truly understand, protect and defend the Constitution it would serve us well to know the original intent of the Founding Fathers when they crafted it. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Every law that is passed must comply with the Constitution. In this part they discuss the importance to understand that the federal government did not create the states but just the opposite the states created the federal government. After the Revolution the 13 colonies became 13 sovereign states with their own government, militia, courts and representatives. In order to form a federal government they relinquished some of their power but retained the “police power”. “Police power” is about making sure that legislation is such that it is on behalf of the people and is constitutional. They continue to share how the constitution says what the job description entails and how it explains checks and balances for all three branches of power; Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. This document was written by the people for the people. We have a constitution that begins with three simple yet powerful words…We the People