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Home » VFNRadio First Hour July 16, 2013

VFNRadio First Hour July 16, 2013



   Exploding Enchiladas; humor


LISTEN NOW Chris, Pat and John discuss Chris’ exploding enchiladas experience.  Chris shares how his wife made a great batch of enchiladas and sat the glass dish they were in on the stove not realizing the eye of the stove was still on.  Chris says he heard a crash and scream and walked in and found glass and enchiladas everywhere.  He shares how this was a funny experience and not one was injured.

Heat Wave in NY 
John, Pat and Chris discuss the heat wave that is hitting the north east and NY.  It is as high as 100 degrees and discuss ways to stay cool.

Humanoid; Get Ready, Six Two, 330 pound Military Robot coming Soon 
John, Pat and Chris discuss the latest in war time technology when they discuss the new six two 330 pound robot whose arms stretch out wider than a car.    Fox News reports that “defense contractors on Thursday unveiled one of the most advanced humanoid robots ever built as part of the DARPA Virtual Robotics Challenge in Waltham, Mass. Called ATLAS, the giant is controlled by a human operator, who guides the sensors, hydraulics, and limbs through a range of natural motions, the military said.” They continued to discuss how fast technology is advancing and how one day we will see robots remotely controlled in war.  They share how technology can be used for either good or bad and that’s another reason to abide with the Lord and receive direction, wisdom, guidance as to how this technology will ultimately affect our families and our walk with the Lord.



Final Last Words
John, Pat and Chris discuss the power of someone’s last words when they are either leaving a post, or on their death bed.  Normally these words are generally very important as it truly reveals the heart of the person and the main thing they want their followers or family to know.  They discuss Joshua’s last words to the Israelites in Joshua 23, where Joshua shares with them not to forget how the Lord fought for them and not to overlook God’s word and to obey it.  They continue to discuss that Joshua’s last words were the same as the first words God gave him in the beginning of his leadership.  God told Joshua in Joshua 1:8 “8 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” They also share Jesus’ instructions to his disciples when His mission on earth was just about to be over and He was going back to the father.  He told them that He needed to go so that the Holy Spirit could come.   They continue to share how the secret to success is humility, obedience to God’s Word, and relying on the Holy Spirit.


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