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Home » VFNRadio First Hour July 17, 2013

VFNRadio First Hour July 17, 2013


WATCH Man Pull 7 Foot Shark to shore with his bare hands

LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, and Chris share about a man who was fishing off the shore and to his surprise caught a shark.  If hooking a shark was not enough of a surprise the man continued to grab the shark by the back of his tail and pulled him up to shore. 
         North Korean Shipped Stopped carrying Missiles Buried Under Sacks of Sugar
John, Pat, and Chris discus how a North Korean ship according to ABC NEWS was carrying weapons system parts buried under sacks of sugar.  It was all seized as it was headed back from Cuba and trying to go through the Panama Canal.  They continue to discuss how North Korea is to our allies since they share a border with South Korea.  North Korea has been a threat to peace in the region so we are encouraged to continue to pray that the strategies of things done in secret will be revealed.
New Egyptian President  Swore Christians in his Cabinet
John, Pat, and Chris discuss how the new President of Egypt, Adli Mansour swore in Christians and women into his cabinet excluding members of Islamist parties as CBN reports.  They continue to discuss how things are changing in Egypt and we must remain hopeful and prayerful as we are seeing these changes unfold.  Under the Muslim Brotherhood Christians were being persecuted and now under Mansours administration that are not being persecuted by the government but are actually a part of it.  They remind us to continue to pray for Muslims in Egypt and all across the Middle East as they are still in Ramaddan because this is the period of time in which many Muslims come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
 Target Strategy Emerges Resulting in Fewer Abortions Across the Country
 John, Pat, and Christ share about the strategy that is emerging and resulting in the fewer abortions.  They discuss how God is responding to a simple yet powerful prayer “Dear God, End abortion send revival.”   As a result of prayer we are seeing a three prong strategic approach to seeing abortion end our nation.  One strategy reported by CBN involves shining a light on a rarely reported crime: many females seeking abortions are underage girls getting pregnant by grown men.   “Sixty to 80 percent of them were impregnated by adult men. So it’s statutory rape and sexual abuse and aggravated sexual abuse of minors,” Crutcher explained.  By law, abortion clinics must report such crimes when an underage victim comes to them.  The organization is calling for attorneys to sue the clinics who don’t report such crimes.  The second, tactic or strategy is to see new laws that restrict abortions which we are seeing happen all around the country.  The third strategy is to go after the abortion clinic worker and encourage them to seek other employment and to help them to open their eyes to the horrific horror of abortion.   Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood staff member, heads up the organization that helps workers leave this type of employment.  There are probably about 3,200 abortion clinic workers in the United States and we’ve already reached 50,” Johnson said of workers who’ve quit after contact with her group. “So we’ve almost reached two percent of that population in a year.”  They continue to share about one such worker who assisted convicted abortionist Kermit Gosnell who reached out to Abby for help and found God.
Connecting with God
John, Pat and Chris discuss a recent interview that worship leaders had with the Christian Post, where they discuss “connecting with God.”  They continue to share that as Christians we were created to be one with God.  They continue to share that we connect with God when we pray which is really just talking with God.  Having dialogue with Him allows us to have continual prayer and communion.  The other way we can connect with God is by abiding with Him on a daily basis; reading His word and writing down what He says.
Whose Slave Are You?
 John asks the question whose slave are you?  John shares that there are two types of slaves those that are physically enslaved and those that are in spiritual slavery and he shares that spiritual slavery can take two paths.  One that starts with sin which ultimately leads to enslavement, bondage, and domination under the devil and the other begins with obedience to God’s word which leads to righteousness, holiness, and being a slave of God.  One leaves you under bondage to satan and the other leads to freedom.  They continue to discuss that the end result of sin is your captivity.  It never appears like that at first but then before you know it one sin leads to another sin that leads to another sin and each one tightening its hold on you to the point that you are tied up.    Romans 6: 16 says “ Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone  to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey- whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience which leads to righteousness?”  Jesus came to set us free however the only way we can become truly free from the slavery of sin is when we become a slave to Christ. 

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