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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour July 22, 2013

VFNRadio Second Hour July 22, 2013



By 2020 study says 2.6 Billion of World Population Expected to Be Christian

LISTEN NOW! John, Greg and Pat discuss a new study that says how by 2020 2.6 billion of the world’s population is expected to be Christian.  They continue to share more about this study and how it looked at how many Christians there were in 1970 and what the global population of Christians will be by 2020.  They continued to discuss how the continent of Europe had the smallest increase of this period of time and how allegedly in France only 1 percent of the population are Christian.  They continued to share their enjoyment of the many Christians that are listening to VFNRadio all over the world. 
Who Does God use?
Greg, John and Pat discuss who does God use?  They discussed how God doesn’t use perfect people.  In one particular case they share how God called the disciples into ministry after he finished rebuking them for not believing.  The truth is that none of us are perfect and being perfect is not criteria in order to be used by God.     In fact 1 Corinthians 1:26-30 illustrates who God does indeed use.  “Brothers, think of what you were when you were called.  Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth.  But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world and the despised things and the things that are not – to nullify the things that are, so than no one may boast before him.  You are not messing up the message; your weakness actually helps the message. 
The Power of Incubating Faith


Greg, John and Pat discuss the power of incubating Faith.  Christians are called to be men and women of faith.  How many believers actually know what faith is?  Many operate by what they know instead of the state of faith.  They continue to discuss how things are conceived in the spiritual realm before they show up in the natural realm.  Just like babies go through a development process while in the womb the same is true of what you are birthing in the spiritual realm.   Faith has a period of incubation.  They continue to discuss four phases and the importance of going from one phase to another without skipping.  The first phase involves envisioning a clear cut vision; the second is having a burning passion for the thing you are believing for; thirdly praying for assurance, and fourthly speaking the word out.  They continue to share the importance the first step is in having a clear cut vision.  You will have to do the ground work to conceive in your heart.  It’s the blue print that you have incubated, prayed for and spoke out that will come to pass but it all starts out with a clear cut vision.

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