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Home » Woman Bound by Anxiety shares Powerful Testimony of being Set Free!

Woman Bound by Anxiety shares Powerful Testimony of being Set Free!


LISTEN NOW John and Pat interview a woman named Nicole who suffered with anxiety and fear for seven years.  In this moving interview she shares her struggle and suffering and how much fear stole from her.  Her honesty and transparency is encouraging as she shares how fear affected every area of her life; her relationship with her son and other family members and even her job.  She describes how fear would cause her to have to leave work because it literally made her ill and how there would be moments in her life where she couldn’t even leave the house to buy milk.  She goes on to share that after she got baptized the same day she received prayer to rid fear from her life.  Nicole shares in great detail the delivering power of Jesus Christ to set one free.  She continues to share how the Lord set her completely free and how overjoyed she is with her new found freedom and the possibilities that now await her.  Nicole is an example of what the Bible tells us in John 8:36 “So if the son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” 

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