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Home » $50 Coupon for Abortions Really: Does not anyone see this as horrific?

$50 Coupon for Abortions Really: Does not anyone see this as horrific?


LISTEN NOW! John, Greg and Pat discuss a recent development on what has been happening with abortionist James Pendergraft.  According to the Christian Post he has had his license revoked some five times in Florida.  The most recent revocation happened in April after he failed to settle another debt related to fines for performing an illegal trimester abortion.  They discuss how abortionist Pendergraft has allegedly opened a clinic where a $50 coupon is being offered for abortions that are done on Sundays only.  Pendergraft is quoted as telling WFTV; “I just want to go back and do business as usual.”  They continue to discuss how these murders will not be hidden and God will avenge the murder of the unborn.  They encourage us to continue to pray the simple yet powerful prayer; “Dear God, end abortion; send revival.

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shutterstock.com/Mirko Tabasevic

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