LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Chris discuss the importance and power of excelling in the grace of giving. Paul shares the testimony of the Macedonian church found in 2 Corinthians 8:2 where the Bible says “Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.” They excelled in the grace of giving because they gave not just what they were able to give but beyond their ability. Today according to George Barna and the Barna Group only 9 percent of all born again Christians give one tenth or more of their income. God the Father led by example when He gave what was the most precious and valuable to Him; His one and only son. They continue to encourage us to be faithful with our tithes but also to invest in the Kingdom of God. Your giving to advance God’s Kingdom will not result in thanksgiving to God but will also result in financial blessings in your life because of the sowing and reaping principle in God’s Word. When giving they challenge us to think about 4 things as we give 1) Think of all the Lord has done in your life 2) What God is presently doing in your life 3) How your faithful sacrificial giving towards the advancement of God’s Kingdom will result in praise and thanksgiving to God 4) The financial blessing from the Lord to you as you sow financially into the Kingdom of God. In all your excelling; excel in the grace of giving.