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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour August 1, 2013

VFNRadio Second Hour August 1, 2013


Israel is America’s Canary in the Coal Mine


LISTEN NOW! Greg, John and Pat discuss the recent interview Erick Steckebel beck of Steckelbeck on Terror in Israel had with the founder of CUFI (Christians United for Israel) Pastor John Hagee.  In this interview they discuss the founding of CUFI the largest pro Israel organization in the world with a membership of 1.2 million people.  They continue to discuss that the issues the nation Israel faces today America will face tomorrow.  Israel, America’s lone democratic ally in the Middle East is completely surrounded by terror groups like Hezbollah, Hamas and countries like Iran.  All Christians everywhere must stand with Israel and be committed to pray for their safety as Syria alone has the largest stockpile of chemical weapons in the world that anyone can get their hands on.  They continue to discuss that each time the United States of America has pushed an agenda that would require Israel to give pieces of the land something dreadful would happen to America and Americans.  Israel faces enemies today who have no problem dying to see their destruction.  It will only be because of praying Christians around the world standing together as one for Israel that Satan’s schemes and strategies will not prevail toward the apple of God’s eye.


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