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Home » BIG Difference: Islam Religion ,Earthly Kingdom, Christianity is a Kingdom that Spreads in the hearts of Men

BIG Difference: Islam Religion ,Earthly Kingdom, Christianity is a Kingdom that Spreads in the hearts of Men


LISTEN NOW! Greg, John and Pat discuss the big difference between Islam and Christianity.  CBN reports that’s Islamic extremists have forced Christians in a town in Egypt to pay a daily Jizya tax which in U.S. dollars can be as little as $29 or $203 per week!  Also on VFNRadio we have spoken about Zakat during the segmentWashington DC Bully Pulpit-Don’t let them push you to do Wrong, which is when the Quran tells the Muslims to give money in an obligatory way.  Some of these monies go towards the “Jihadist type war”.  Not too long ago President Obama was trying to make it that so Zakat could fall under a 501c3 status so that giving in this way would fall under tax exemption.  Islam and Christianity are very different as Islam is governmental in nature as Muslims goals are a Caliphate where everyone one comes under Sharia law.  The Quran teaches that there are only 3 things that can happen to those who are not Muslims.  They have the choice to convert, submit to servitude, or die.   Christianity is not about an earthly physical kingdom but rather the Kingdom of God that expands in the hearts of men.  The kingdom of God expands when we Christians share Jesus with others and they accept Jesus as Lord.  Every Christian is a kingdom container all they have to do is release the kingdom with others.


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