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Home » Is Israel Really Headed to War?

Is Israel Really Headed to War?


LISTEN NOW! John, Greg, and Pat discuss whether Israel is really headed to war.  They discuss recent article written by Joel Rosenberg : Signs Pointing to Israel- Iran War published in Charisma News.  Israel’s Prime Minister is scheduled to meet with President Obama in the White House September 30, 2013 then he will speak at the United Nations.  It was almost a year ago this time that the President snubbed the Prime Minister and said he did not have time to meet with him.  This is also around the same time that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu drew his red line for stopping Iran’s nuclear weapons  for the world to see at the United Nations.    According to Charisma News “ Netanyahu expressed mission: to persuade the U.S. and the Western powers to intensify- not ease up on- pressure on Iran to give up its pursuit of nuclear weapons and the fuel to build them.”  They continue to discuss how on two separate occasions Israel was ready to strike Iran but backed off.  One of those times they were pushed back by President Obama.  Israel has become increasingly aware that the United States and its current administration is not going to do what they say as what one can clearly see is happening in Syria today.  Israel is alone.  It is time for those who love God and Israel to stand for Israel in prayer and support for it appears that that the time is soon approaching where they will have to strike Iran and remove their ability to manufacture and produce nuclear weapons.  Can you be counted on to stand with Israel. 

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