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Home » Prayer Alert- CUFI: Chemical Weapons Being Scattered Throughout Syria

Prayer Alert- CUFI: Chemical Weapons Being Scattered Throughout Syria

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LISTEN NOW! Greg, John and Pat discuss a recent prayer alert from Christians United for Israel that stated that a highly secretive Syrian military unit known as Unit 450 has been scattering and hiding chemical weapons throughout Syria.  They continue to share how nothing has changed with our enemy; he still wants to kill, steal and destroy.  Christians in Syria are being persecuted.  Some have been burned and have even been beheaded.  You can’t be diplomatic with evil.  At the same time of these great atrocities there is a ray of hope as Charisma News shares what is happening in Syria in the midst of Christians being persecuted.    Charisma News reports that so many Muslims are fleeing Syria and are running for refuge.  “Many of the Muslim families came to our church, and now our church has 2,000 families of refugees. They told us, “We don’t know if this is the real Islam.” We said, “Yes, this is Islam. This is what they teach in Quran.” They said, “We don’t want to follow Muhammad anymore. We don’t want Islam. We want to know the real God.” So we give them New Testaments, and we follow up with them, have meetings, preach the gospel, and then we give them food. Thank God, we saw how He is moving among those families that before we couldn’t reach because they don’t even know there are Christians in this country. They are covered; it’s very hard. So we thank God, because everything happens because of His goodness.”  They encourage us to continue to pray for the persecuted church in Syria and throughout the world. 

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