Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Home » VFN Radio XTRA Hour September 30, 2013

VFN Radio XTRA Hour September 30, 2013


Greg, Pat and Steve continue to share about what God has been doing in their midst. While Steve was working at the airport, a man came up to his counter for help. Steve noticed that he had a strap over his right shoulder. During the conversation, Steve looked more closely and realized that the man had his arm in a sling. Brian had torn his rotator cuff while playing football just days ago. Steve began sharing glory stories of how God had healed his roommate of an injured shoulder.  As Brian’s faith was stirred and lifted, he asked Brian if he could pray for him. Brian said yes. Steve placed his hands on Brian’s shoulder and declared complete healing over Brian in the name of Jesus Christ. Steve said to Brian for him to begin moving his shoulder in faith. Gingerly he did so. After asking Brian where it hurt and to describe the pain, Steve prayed again, this more specifically. Steve asked Brian to move his arm in faith and Brian moved his arm like a windmill. It was completely healed. IT WAS THE GLORY OF GOD!!

Greg, Pat and Steve discuss what God has been doing. After an encouraging message of shining your light into the darkness, Steve went on a prayer walk with another believer, Barbara into a suburb of Pensacola, Brownsville. While they were walking, they encountered Betty. Betty is also a believer and was very receptive to prayer when asked. Betty shared that she wanted prayer for her family to come together. Steve began sharing Glory stories of how God had completely healed Brian of his torn rotator cuff. As her faith was stirred and lifted, she shared that she had suffered a stroke four years ago that hindered the mobility of the whole right side of her body. She continued to share that when she walks her right foot would drag. Steve and Barbara began to pray for her and Betty said that she wanted to run for Jesus. Steve and Barbara responded in faith by helping her down the stairs of her front porch and then walking up and down her driveway. Ten minutes ago, Betty wasn’t able to walk without dragging her right foot. Now she was doing high knees up and down her driveway. As they were declaring scriptures of faith and healing over Betty, she asked for a pen to write the scriptures down. Betty realized that there was a pen in her car and walked to her without any dragging of her foot. WHAT IS THIS? IT’S THE GLORY OF GOD!! 

Greg, Pat and Steve share about how God revealed His glory upon Steve’s roommate Rudy. While playing basketball, Rudy dislocated his shoulder that he had previously done years ago. After hearing about Rudy’s injury, Steve asked Rudy if he could pray for him. After doing so and declaring in faith that Rudy would be healed, Rudy was able to move his arm. While praying Rudy shared to Steve that he was concerned that he would have to get corrective surgery. In faith, Steve responded, asking God to not only heal his shoulder but to strengthen it better than it was before the first dislocation that the doctors wouldn’t even be able to recognize any sign of a previous dislocation so that Rudy would not need to surgery. A few days later that is exactly what God did as Rudy didn’t need the surgery. WHAT IS THIS? IT’S THE GLORY OF GOD!!!

Greg and Pat share about their events of what transpired as they came together for the viewing of Kirk Cameron’s new movie, “Unstoppable”.  Listen to Greg’s and Pat’s shocking journey that ended up being shown in a room with a banner over it that said in bold lights “PRISONERS!”   


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