America’s Founding Fathers Chose God over a King
LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss how America’s Founding Fathers chose God over a King. However, Israel’s history is that they chose a king over God. They chose man’s government over God. When given a choice they could have repented but rather chose that God send them a king. Our founding fathers by the grace of God on July 4, 1776, chose to reject a king and chose to be under God’s leadership. America was founded on those who were seeking God. True rebellion is when God’s people left God’s government for a King. It all came to pass; one nation under God and it all happened when the Word of God was freed from man’s captivity. God later used America through President Harry Truman to recognize Israel’s statehood. The only way America and Israel can stand is if they truly become One Nation Under God.
Glory Story: Man instantly healed from a Bad Ankle
As Greg, John, and Pat listen to Steve share an awesome encounter where God’s glory was on display. Steve shares how when he was at work he noticed someone who was hobbling really badly. Steve approached the man to find out what was wrong the man said he had a bad ankle. Steve offered to pray for the man’s healing but the man rejected prayer for his healing but was open to receive prayer for his relationship with God. Steve put his arm around him and began to pray for him almost instantly the man said what did you do? My leg and ankle are healed. Steve said jump around on it and the man was able to jump around. They rejoiced together and Steve told him that he did nothing but that Jesus Christ healed him and confirmed his message to him. They rejoiced as the glory of God was manifested.
Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it. Mark 16:20
NEW STUDY: Americans Believe our Society Needs the Bible but Few Read it?
John, Greg, and Pat discuss a recent study conducted by the American Bible Society that found out that Americans believe our society needs the Bible but few read it. They continue to discuss America: How We Got Here & How We Stay Here! And discuss the huge price many throughout history have paid so that we can have the Bible in our hands. To name a few, John Wycliffe and William Tyndale died horrible deaths, body exhumed and even burned. They continue to share how others around the world cherish one page of the Bible while Americans have many Bibles in their homes. We must return back to honoring God’s word in our lives and not offering him lip service. The word of God says that they honored him with their lips but their hearts were far from Him, Isaiah 29:13. It’s time to enjoy fellowshipping with God as we set time to abidewith Him and His Word.
96 Year Old Man Enters Songwriting Contest with- “Oh Sweet Lorraine”, Deceased wife married for 75 years
Greg, John, and Pat as they share and discuss a great story about a 96 year old man who entered a song writers contest when he wrote about his deceased wife who he was married to for 75 years. Fred describes his brokenness over his loss and began one night to write down these lyrics. Fred does not make any claims to be a songwriter or musician but what flowed out of him were beautiful words that remember wonderful days with his wife. The song was so touching that the producers at Green Shoe Studio produced his song with professional singers and musicians. The song is called “Oh Sweet Loraine”.
Aaron Leatherdale’s New Album on the Book of Philippians
Greg, John, and Pat discuss Aaron Leatherdale’s new song and album on the book of Philippians. His unique sound and style brings the book of Philippians in a refreshing way that will have you singing and rapping the scriptures.