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Home » Ecuadorian President Threatens to Resign if Abortion is made Legal

Ecuadorian President Threatens to Resign if Abortion is made Legal


LISTEN NOW! John, Greg, and Pat discuss how the pendulum is swinging back to God’s way in terms of honoring the sanctity of life.  There have been several laws passed in the United States, such as the “Baby Alive Bill” that passed in Florida that honors the life of babies.  They further discuss how the Christian Post reported that Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa threatened to resign from his country’s leadership if abortion is made legal.  Since Roe vs. Wade in 1973 there have been over 50 million abortions, sacrifices, and murders of innocent babies.  Join us and many others who are praying a simple yet powerful prayer “Dear God end abortion send revival.”  They continue to share that if you have had an abortion that God can and will forgive you.  If you are contemplating an abortion there are other options and there is help available to assist you. You can avoid a later regret of aborting a baby today by seeking help.

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