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Home » Government Shutdown Day 14; WWII Veterans Storm the Gates?

Government Shutdown Day 14; WWII Veterans Storm the Gates?


LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss how we are in the 14th day of the government being shut down.  They encourage us not to panic what we are seeing displayed before us are Saul Alinsky’s tactics.  CBN reports “Hundreds of protestors calling themselves the Million Vet March removed barricades at several memorials and then marched over them to the gates of the White House, chanting “You work for us!”  They continue to discuss how this current administration was willing to bar veterans who gave their lives for defending the Constitution from war memorials in the nation’s capital.  It’s time for the church to wake up.  It’s not about the 535 members of Congress it’s about the 320 million American citizens.  “Our veterans gave us our best it’s time for us to give them our best”, said Congress woman Michelle Bachman.   They continue to share that just like Dr. King believed there were still good people left in America that just need to hear the truth that is being shared.


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