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Home » Prophetic Word: The Lord of Hosts Revelatory Word, John A. Kilpatrick, September 28, 2013, 2:23AM CST

Prophetic Word: The Lord of Hosts Revelatory Word, John A. Kilpatrick, September 28, 2013, 2:23AM CST


The Lord of Hosts Revelatory Word
Given to John A. Kilpatrick

September 28, 2013–2:22 AM

My angels ride upon the circuits of the heavens. They do My bidding. Have you forgotten that they are mighty in power? They do not relent; they prevail! Be reminded that they are engaged and enter conflicts as a result of the salvation I have bought for you. It is a perfect salvation and a complete one. Do not fear or allow your heart to be troubled, for even now, they are defending your interests and concerns while you sleep.

Have you forgotten that My name is “The Lord of Hosts?” I have given the word, and it is the word of deliverance. You will prevail! Every evil plot will be foiled, and every evil enemy shall fall before the sword of the Lord of Hosts. My Kingdom is sure. My will is determined. My name is your guarantee.


Do not be double minded, and do not doubt this confirming word; for these are the days that men’s hearts will fail them as they see coming upon the earth the things that I revealed would come to pass while I walked among men. But did I not also caution, “Do not allow your faith to fail.” Lift up your head, for your redemption–your victory–draws nigh. I say that victory is drawing nigh even as you quietly sleep. Can you see it drawing nigh? I ask you again, can you see it drawing nigh?


Fix your eyes upon My prevailing army. It is My provision for My people, My heirs.  You are not alone! I have told you it is not a few, but many, that ride the circuits of the heavens.


Your salvation is sure; it was bought with a price. The battle is not yours, but it is the Lord’s. See the salvation of the Lord. Rest in it, and rejoice in it. The greatest and most notable victories are even at the door.


These are the days that you must learn to release the high praises of God. I say discipline your lips to release new, thought-out and thought-through praises– worthy of the Lord’s works that He is working. Let the common, usual praises that you used yesterday remain there, for this is a new day; and the Lord is releasing new things–exploits not previously seen or experienced by you before. It is a day of long awaited breakthroughs that are being won by the Armies of Heaven.

Adjust your praise accordingly. Train your lips to begin to express the depths of your worship. Be creative. New expressions of the soul will bring new depths of glory not previously known.


These are not the days of the faint of heart, but these are indeed the days of the Prophet Elijah.


Tend your heart.


Awaken your heart.


Quiet your spirit, and rest in the Lord your God; for your salvation is closer than you suppose.


I received this word on September 28, 2013 at 2:22 AM and concluded writing it at 3:10 AM sharp. As I went back to bed and attempted to return to sleep, the Lord evidently wasn’t through.


In conclusion, He gave me these powerful words that stirred my soul.


My people know little of My chariots, and they do not comprehend My chariot drivers. It has not fully come into the minds of My people that all power and might has been given into My hands.


The heavens are even now declaring My glory and revealing My great power.  Watch the heavens and understand that My great power shall shake the heavens, and all shall know that I am the God of Heaven and Earth. My armies are riding in their chariots, and they are prevailing. They shall shake the heavens above and the earth beneath.


Your redemption is drawing near very rapidly. Be sure that you draw near to your redemption. My word to you this night is, “Look up! Look up!” The heavens are already declaring, “Look up!”
John Kilpatrick


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