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The Government Is Shutdown- YOUions/Unions & the Federal Government


LISTEN NOW! Greg and Pat discuss that it is day 3 of the government being shutdown in America. The shutdown closes only about 25% of the government- the federal government, TheBlazeTV reports,. They ask the question: Who is the federal government? Are the unionized federal workers really the ones who are determining the amount of taxes Americans need to pay or congress?  They discuss the awareness of the unionization of federal workers and the impact upon the federal government, congress and the American citizens who pay the taxes to pay the unionized demanded salaries. We can either trust in God our trust in our ability to “organize” [see Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world, really?]  to get what we need.



Related Links:
Labor history of the United States
National Federation of Federal Employees
American Federation of Government Employees
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations(AFL–CIO)


 Shutterstock.com/ JPL Designs

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