Hurricane Karen doesn’t hit the “Glory Zone”
LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss how Hurricane Karen was predicted to make landfall on the gulf coast but moved away and didn’t make landfall after all. Greg continues to share how about a year ago we hurricane Isaac made landfall right after Americans gathered at the GOP and DNC conventions. The name Isaac means laughter as to say God was laughing at man’s attempts to turn a nation without God, even as one of the groups actually booed God. They continue to share how they believe that the Gulf Coast can be a “Glory Zone” Where God’s glory can manifest in power. This is the same region that falls within WHBR’s potential viewing audience of 1.4 million people, from Mississippi all the way over to Destin, FL. No hurricane for the “Glory Zone.”
Grand Jury Set to Review Shooting of Roy Middleton- Seeking Justice
Greg, John, and Pat discuss how the grand jury is set to come together in the shooting incident by two Escambia County Sheriff deputies of an innocent civilian, Roy Middleton, resulting in him being fired at 15 times and hit twice in his own car port. They encourage us to seek justice before God for Roy Middleton. They discuss that a grand jury is a group of selected citizens that are empowered to conduct official proceedings to investigate potential criminal conduct and to determine whether criminal charges should be brought. Lord we cry out for mercy and justice.
WWJD or WWJO- Who Would Jesus Organize?
Many are familiar with WWJD; What Would Jesus Do? but today Greg, John, and Pat discuss WWJO; Who Would Jesus Organize. Greg shares this in view of what he has been speaking about in the previous week regarding Saul Alinsky’s book Rules for Radicals where Saul shares 13 tactics to be used for organizers. His book is dedicated to or let’s say, he gives a shout out to LUCIFER for organizing an overthrow that resulted in his own kingdom. They continue to share how organizing in and of itself is not bad it’s what you are organizing about and who you are organizing around that matters. They further discuss how the back cover dedicates the book to Hilary Clinton and Barak Obama. They continue to discuss how the religious people of the day accused Jesus of organizing against God. God, organizing against God? ridiculous. It was also discussed how God used Moses to organize his people and not Moses using God to organize God’s people. However, they share two incidents in the Bible where two men used tips, if you will from satan’s handbook that are quite similar to the tactics that Saul Alinsky writes about in his book Rules for Radicals. Korah organized the leadership at that moment in time to come against God’s chosen leader Moses and paid greatly for this rebellion when the earth opened up and swallowed him, the leaders and their families alive. Another such organizer discussed was Absalom when he organized the people to overthrow their King, David, and Absalom became king, but things didn’t end well for him when he was killed as a direct judgment for his satanic organizing efforts. They further discuss how Dr. King’s efforts and sacrifices are being coopted for their validation of organizing for their own efforts when Dr. King was an Apostle used by God and by his fruit, speeches and writings one can easily come to the conclusion that Dr. King would not approve of his life and work being coopted by those who support Saul Alinsky tactics. In fact those who would march with Dr. King would have to sign and commit to follow the ten commitments/ commandments that are the complete opposite of Alinksy’s 13 tactics. There is simply no comparison and to do so is an affront and insult to Dr. King’s legacy and work for which he literally gave his life to; The freedom for all men.