LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss the importance of being a watchman on the wall. They continue to discuss the powerful outpouring that occurred in Pensacola, FL, known as the Brownsville Revival. During the revival Bro. John Kilpatrick would host pastor conferences for pastors from all over the world. During the pastors conference different people would carry very large banners with different themes to pray over everything from family, government, the church, etc. Greg shares that it just so happened that every pastors conference they would need help to carry the banners and he would always wind up getting the Catastrophic Events banner. He was watchman then and still is one now as VFNRadio expands to CTN, Christian Television Network, where a trumpet of warning can be heard throughout the southern region and the world. The banners were created by Jennifer Colley at Bro. Kirkpatrick’s request, which eventually birthed into a ministry outside of Brownsville Assembly called “The Vision Speaks” led by Jennifer.
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