LISTEN NOW!John and Pat discuss what do when the enemy strikes. They continue to share how we are all involved in a spiritual battle. Satan hates your guts because you are made in the image and likeness of God. He will try to do everything he can do to stop you from giving your heart to Jesus and to stop advancing God’s Kingdom. They share an account in the Bible found in 1 Samuel 30 regarding what David encountered at Ziklag. David had much to endure throughout his life. He went from a hero to a zero when King Saul was hunting him down to kill him. David seemingly lost everything only to slowly build it back up through God’s help after crashing down at Ziklag again. While David was out to war his camp at Ziklag was torched and they ran off with his plunder and the wives and children of his men. It is at that moment when many just give up when the enemy sucker punches them in the belly. David experienced great pain and suffering but he had to make a decision. One is to quit and accept the pain, hurt, and misery as the new normal or seek the guidance of the Lord. David sought God and God let him to go into the enemy’s camp and take back what was stolen from him. We can trust God.