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Home » WHERE’S THE LIGHT? One Lady puts Whitehouse on Lockdown; a few leaders puts Government on Shutdown

WHERE’S THE LIGHT? One Lady puts Whitehouse on Lockdown; a few leaders puts Government on Shutdown


LISTEN NOW!  Be encouraged as Greg shared about the importance of bringing the Light and how Isaiah 60:1-3 speaks about that we, as Christians, are to Arise, shine for our Light has come and has been given to us who believe to push back the darkness; not be political, not by yelling at the darkness, but by living in and to be the Light of the world. The government is on shutdown and the White house on lock down because of the darkness grabbing a hold of a mother as she ran from the capital police.  Be encouraged as he reminds himself and others that outside of Jesus Christ we’re all in darkness and it’s only by the light of Jesus Christ and His Word, which are one in the same [the Word became flesh] that we have hope, but it’s hope that we have.  Not only hope, but now we are carriers of the light and commanded by Jesus to be the Light of the World.  He also shares how Debbie Franco, the children’s ministry at the VFN Dream Center ministered recently to the children how all of our works, every good thing we’ve personally done is like a filthy rag.  She did such a great job ministering to the children Pat and Greg share.


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