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Home » ACA – Affordable Care Act- Gathering Data Purposes Really?

ACA – Affordable Care Act- Gathering Data Purposes Really?


LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss recent developments regarding Obama care also known as AHA affordable healthcare act.  They continue to discuss how it never is as what it seems to be.  They further discuss how the whole issue regarding health care for everyone is a complex issue that should cause Christians to seek a biblical perspective.  Many Christian denominations have established hospitals to take care of the sick.  However, they discuss that what is presently happening is not just about helping those in need but also about gathering data of millions of Americans.  They remind us that man has to gather data he has no other way however, God already knows it.  We need to think deeply as to what is happening when we are turning healthcare to government and the IRS to collect the monies for it.  They further discuss what the government plans to do with your personal data.  This is extremely important when we consider that 1/3 of the economy revolves around health care.  



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