LISTEN NOW! Greg, John and Pat discuss how God watches over those who are His. They continue to discuss Jeremiah 24:4-7 in which like good figs God will bring back his people and they will return to him. God is going to watch over you. They continue to discuss how over a 7 day fast Greg shares that when he walked outside of the VFN Hub he looked up and saw a huge X in the sky over the VFN Hub. Don’t panic before things happen God will put a mark over you. You are going through distraught with nothing to worry about. Greg continues to share how he went through a season where he was in deep brokenness over the state of the church and God revealed to him that he was sharing with Greg the emotions of God. Things will get better but only through truth and righteousness. They continue to discuss our great need for compassion during these times. The feeling of deep sorrow and doing something about it just as Jesus had done.
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Good Figs, Marking Those who Grieve & Lament, Jesus had Compassion
Jeremiah 24:4-7, Ezekiel 9:3-4, Mark 6:34
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