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Home » Prophetic Warnings- Philippines and Now America hit with Storms

Prophetic Warnings- Philippines and Now America hit with Storms


LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss the prophetic warnings regarding the Philippines and the warning given to the United States and the recent storms that affected close to 53 million Americans across 12 states.  They shared the prophetic word given by Cindy Jacobs regarding the Philippines back in 2009 and how in the next two years need to be spent in prayer and fasting  for the nation and that the country would go on to be blessed or it suffer greatly.  As well the principality of corruption must be brought down through prayer.   Since that prophetic warning to the nation of the Philippines that have suffered through various storms and most recently the largest typhoon to ever make landfall.  One of the things that are hindering financial aid to the Philippines is the corruption that still exists

Midwest Tornado – Devastation

today as reported in a recent NBC online article.  They further discuss all the prophetic warnings the Lord has given to the United States by so many of God’s prophets in particular the prophetic word given by John Paul Jackson named the perfect storm.  They also share how just hours after sharing Cindy Jacobs prophetic word at the VFN DC a tornado storm affected twelve states and ripped through the Midwest leveling complete neighborhoods with loss of life.  It’s time to hear God’s voice and obey.



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