Prophetic Fulfillment Fathers and Sons Hearts Turning Back to each Other
LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss the prophetic fulfillment of the Malachi 4:5-6 prophecy in the turning of the hearts of fathers and sons to each other. They discussed a divine encounter with Pastor and Pensacola Police Captain David Alexander, as they shared many things one of which was how David and his son were so touched at the Father and Son Camping Trip and how their relationship has been forever changed as a result. They continued to share how they have met many men in the community who as boys who were a part of the prophecy and are now husbands and fathers. God has done a great work. May His will be done in the earth.
Your Tax Payer Dollars $ 540 Million Spent on Abortions thru Planned Parenthood
Greg, John, and Pat discuss how your tax dollars, $540 million, are being spent annually for abortions thru the government funded program planned parenthood. According to CBN “”We billed this as ‘what’s the most scary thing in Washington D.C. Today?’ The scariest thing is our government gives $540 million to an organization that kills 915 children a day. That’s over 335,000 a year,” Mahoney said.” Planned Parenthood aborts a child every 95 seconds. They discuss how 60% of the population does not know that Planned Parenthood commits abortions. Murder is never acceptable even when they try to tie abortion to women’s health. They further discuss how most Americans don’t know that abortions are included in the affordable health care act. They encourage us to get in contact with our congressman and to tell them to stop funding Planned Parenthood. Your congressman is your elected representative to represent you.