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Home » What else can be pulled out of America?

What else can be pulled out of America?


LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss what else is going to be pulled out of America?  They continue to discuss how the Prime Minister of Israel was called by President Obama and in their discussion Netanyahu warned the president about America remaining the world’s super power if his policies continue in regards to easing sanctions for Iran.  They continue to discuss and compare what is happening to America to the game Jenga.  The concept involves removing one block of wood from the structure without the whole structure collapsing and crashing down.  They continue to discuss that many things have been pulled out of America.  The miracle is that she still stands.  The strategy is to get you to focus on one or two things that are being pulled out without your knowledge that they plan to take out five more later down the road.  If we are not careful Iran can be the next North Korea.  Dear God forgive America.



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