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Home » Can I Do What I Want to Do with My Own Money?

Can I Do What I Want to Do with My Own Money?


LISTEN NOW! Greg and Pat discuss whether you can do what you want to do with your money.  Many people today believe in redistribution of wealth.  They believe that they should have some of your money.  Than others say Jesus is capitalist.  The truth is that God is not political nor does he get involved in the economies of men.  The question they asked is can you do what you want to do with your money?  They begin to share from Matthew 20 regarding a parable that Jesus shared.  In this account Jesus shares about a man who hired several people to work in his vineyard.  The man hired each employee at different times of the day.  When it was time to pay the employees at the end of the day the employees who were hired first were shocked and upset that they were paid the same as the employee who was hired in the last hour of the work day.  They continue to ask the question whether you can do what you want to do with your money.  The men were upset although they agreed to work for a certain amount of money.  Does the business owner have the right to do what he wants to do with his own money or are just people envious?  What is happening today is that there is a huge spirit of envy in the land.  They just want to have what others have.  The answer is that you can do whatever you want to do with your money but just because you can doesn’t make your choice right.  The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 9:7 “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”  God doesn’t force us but desires to lead us.  They encourage us to trust God to provide for us not your boss.  Don’t unionize around the coffee pot or water cooler simply honor God with your tithes and offerings.  He will take care of you.



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