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Home » Kick My Rumpus OUT: Into the Harvest Fields

Kick My Rumpus OUT: Into the Harvest Fields


LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss the importance of “getting out” into the harvest. Greg begins to describe how he felt when he was about to jump out of a plane at 10,000 feet.   So many today are held captive and held back into going into the harvest.  A spirit of religion often times is behind many who are being held back.  Jesus sent the disciples out two by two to advance his kingdom.  We are called to do the same and to help people escape the power of satan and to come into the saving light of Jesus Christ.  They encourage us to pray and to prepare ourselves for the harvest.  Many times we often need people in our lives that will hold us accountable and help to push us in the direction the Lord has called us to serve.  Many have used the excuse that they are shy when in reality they are bound by a spirit of fear.  There is so much going on in the world today and time is running out and who knows how much time you have left to bear fruit in the kingdom and to bring in the harvest.  Sometime we just need our rumpus kicked into the harvest field before we blow a very limited opportunity to lead many to the Lord and when it’s all said and done we don’t want to go to heaven with any regrets.



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