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Home » Third Great Awakening is Coming: Question is- Will You be in it, Will You Be Touched by it when God comes to your Region?

Third Great Awakening is Coming: Question is- Will You be in it, Will You Be Touched by it when God comes to your Region?

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LISTEN NOW! John and Pat discuss how a third great awakening is coming; the question is will you be in it and will you be touched by it when it comes to your region?  They continued to discuss how Jesus was extremely popular even though that was not His goal or intention.  Great crowds came to Him to see Him and to receive of His ministry yet Jesus’ hometown rejected Jesus’ ministry.  Although they were amazed by His ministry they tried to discredit Him and took offense with Jesus.  Jesus was completely amazed by their lack of faith.  The Bible tells us the student is not above his master.  If they treated Jesus that way we shouldn’t be surprised when they treat you the same or worse.  The people in Jesus hometown had a perfect recipe and strategy for how not to welcome a move of God.  They were prideful, critical, and judgmental of Jesus.  They were even looking to discredit Jesus’ ministry.  They were more willing to defend what they thought they knew instead of being humble and open to the Lord.  What Jesus was doing did not fit there paradigm and their doctrine. They encourage us not to miss the move of God not to miss the Third Great Awakening because of having a pride in your heart and attempting to receive God in our heads and not in our spirit.  Many believers say they want a move of God but are they willing to do what they have to do to receive one?  God intended to touch Nazareth but Nazareth missed God.  There have been believers in past moves of God that have criticized what God was doing and missed it.  They encourage us to repent for any prideful and judgmental attitudes that would cause us to miss the heart of God.  Dear God forgive me. Have your way in my life and in my city and in my region in Jesus name. 



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Tag: Offense, Hometown, Centurion, Faith, Popular, Pride, Judgmental, Disciples, Resume, Prayer, Nazareth, Pharisees, Rejected


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