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Home » VFNRadio First Hour January 15, 2014

VFNRadio First Hour January 15, 2014



        China Praying for America to be Humbled: America has gained the whole World and lost her soul
LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss how Chinese Christians are praying for America to be humbled.  The author of Game Plan, Kevin Freedman, said America has gained the whole world and she her soul.  They continue to discuss how Chinese Christians see America being humbled as our only hope.  They continue to share how this is similar to James Robinson’s word which was humility or humiliation; you choose.  God has so blessed America.  It’s time for America to bless God.  They continue to share how the role of the prophet is to help turn the church back to God.  They continue to share that if we lose everything it will be okay if all we have is God.  They encourage us to repent and turn back to God.
       Grateful for the Trustworthiness of God
 Greg, John, and Pat share how they are grateful for the trustworthiness of God.  Greg continues to share how he was meditating on the faithfulness of God and how He is so trustworthy.  God desires to bless us.  We work hard and put our trust in Him.  You can’t put your full trust in man no matter who they are but you can put your full trust in God.  He will meet your needs.  The first step in knowing His trustworthiness begins when you trust him with your life and you give it to him.  They encourage us to give our lives to Jesus.  To find out more visit meetmyfather.org.
  Top 5 Middle East Events in 2013: Joel Rosenberg
John, Greg, and Pat discuss the top 5 Middle East events in 2013 according to an article written by Joel Rosenberg in Charisma News.  They are…
1. Syrian death toll keeps climbing amidst horrific civil war & chemical weapons use in Damascus.
2. Iran beguiles West with “charm offense” as it moves closer to the bomb.
3.  Saudis preparing to purchase Pakistani nuclear warheads.
4.  Egypt’s counter-revolution brings down the Muslim Brotherhood.
5.  Israeli leader declares Bible prophecies coming true in our lifetime.


They continued to discuss how many things that occurred in the Middle East was a result of President Obama’s administration’s influence.  There is a narrative that is being pushed in the Middle East that does not favor Israel or Christians in the region.  They did discuss that it was refreshing to see that the Egyptian people were not duped and that their recent counter revolution saw what had happened, when the Muslim Brotherhood took power for what it was, President Obama’s supporting terrorist in Egypt.  They continue to ask us to pray for Israel as we are seeing anti-Israeli plans pushed upon Israel.  Stand for Israel and the Christians in the region as well the Muslims in the region to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


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