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Home » VFNRadio First Hour January 20, 2014

VFNRadio First Hour January 20, 2014


A Day of Remembrance; Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


LISTEN NOW! Greg, John and Pat discuss how today is a day to focus on a man and his accomplishments.  They discuss how Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  was sound constitutionally and is seen as an apostle.  Greg continues to share how 2013 was a horrific year because of all the horrific things the Lord showed him regarding some of the tragic events that occurred in America’s history; much of which is not taught in schools.  They talk about the boldness and steadiness of Dr. King holding America accountable for what was written in the Constitution.  They further discuss some of the injustices that were perpetrated toward African Americans in our country while at the same time the willingness of Dr. King to still to be able love, forgive, hope and dream of a better day.  They further discuss Dr. King’s I Have a Dream speech, given in 1962 at the Washington Mall, nearly 100 years from the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.  He was invited as a speaker for the March on Washington Event and Dr. King just released what was on the inside of him.  Dr. King’s speech, given at the foot of the Lincoln’s Memorial, is still so moving, even when heard today, because just as it struck a chord then, it strikes a chord today in the hearts of all men that have seen and or experienced the injustices and inequality  that African Americans have experienced before, during and after this historic speech.    They further discuss the need for the church to begin a conversation not only to stand and empathize with those who have suffered but also repent for the injustices that were falsely done in the name of Jesus.   This is our chance to walk out the original intent of God and of the Constitution. 




The Heart of Nehemiah: The Secret to Rebuilding the Church in America- Part 3


Getting All in the Vision


 Greg, John, and Pat discuss the importance of knowing that it’s about all of us rebuilding the wall more than just watching.  They encourage us to get on the field and decide to be a player in the game.  They talk about how those surrounding Nehemiah need to respond to the vision.  They challenge us to get started building.  It will cost you everything.  Don’t fool yourself by thinking that by watching it you were doing it.  The church needs to wake up.  They encourage us not to skip this point because the rest is for not.  Don’t let the enemy convince you that you are doing something when you really are not.  They continue to underscore the importance of hearing what God is saying and obey it and to be all in. The people with Nehemiah said “we will do it we will rebuild the walls”.  At once came Sanballat to frustrate the plans of God.  Once they responded, Nehemiah began to share what God had laid on his heart.  No sooner was this revealed, Sanballat comes to discourage with ridicule and mocking.  No matter what the enemy throws at you; you must know the vision God has called you to and to stand against ridicule. 




 The Heart of Nehemiah: The Secret to Rebuilding the Church in America-  Part 4


 Moving past the Ridiculers, Mockers and Haters- They are just there to sow doubt


LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat continue to speak about a Ridiculing Mocking Spirit taken on by  Sanballat.  This tactic is used by Lucifer and others whose tongues are set on fire by hell.  They continue to share with us how we need to get over the shock of those who are going to ridicule us.  The biggest test of all is when someone who walks with you or the least likely ridiculer begins to be used.    You’ve got to be able to move on.   Remember that people are not what they are being attacked with.  Ask for grace and how to handle it.  They further discuss the need to be able to discern whether this is a spirit of Sanballat or Nehemiah.  What is Satan’s purpose with ridicule?   It is to fill you with doubt and to stop you.  It doesn’t mean it’s right if you see many people doing it.  Wrong is wrong.  One of the tools is to use governmental authority to question what you are doing while they themselves are in rebellion.  They questioned whether Nehemiah was rebelling against the King.  They continue to encourage us that a true believer is not going to come against the church.  On the contrary Nehemiah did things the right way before the King which gave him great confidence.    Nehemiah replied in Nehemiah 2:20 “I answered them by saying, ‘The God of heaven will give us success. We his servants will start rebuilding, but as for you, you have no share in Jerusalem or any claim or historic right to it.’”  If God has called you to do something; you can hold fast that God will bring it to pass.   If the hand of the Lord is upon you; you can speak to every doubter, hater and 
 mocker that the God of heaven will bring us success.  If God be for you who can be against you?
Nehemiah 2  
Nehemiah 3 & 4


The Sandy Irritation of Sanballat that comes against the plan of God with the goal of Destroying Unity by Sowing the Seeds of DOUBT


Everything written in God’s word is to encourage us.  We are like living stones being built together.  This is like a picture of the church coming together.  Nehemiah’s heart is the secret to rebuilding the walls of the church in America.  Many things have been done in the church in America; some good and some bad things must all be acknowledged.  What was done wrong before God must be acknowledged and repented of.  Nehemiah heard from the Lord and encouraged them to rebuild by their sphere of influence.  He assigned them parts of the walls near the homes.  It’s time for us to get busy.  Everything just doesn’t happen; there is process.  This is not about watching everybody do this.  You are going have to take responsibility  around your influence.  It’s not bout building buildings but instead about building people.  People are what is important; because if you don’t focus on people you will be caught up in rebuilding the building at the expense of God’s people.  They continue to discuss how just the hearing of this caused Sanballat and his crew to be upset.  They began to attack before they got started; and  it didn’t stop them; they even came back  to try to stop them again.  What did they actually say.? We live and move by faith.  We must not throw our faith away.  The enemy comes against your faith you must contend for it.  Sanballat comes to disintegrate your faith.  He began to sow seeds of doubt with the desired result of stopping them.  “What are these feeble Jews doing?” he asked. The enemy will focus in your limitations and inabilities to do what God has called you to do and if you listen you will go down.  If you are trying to do anything through your own strength then you are defeated already.  Our inabilities should be clearly visible before all so that the Lord will get all the glory.  If you take inventory of your strengths instead of putting your faith in God you will go down.  Sanballat goes further to question whether the walls will ever be rebuilt.  The enemy will continue to sow doubt to drown you out. 


Sanballat sows seeds of Doubt

Sanballat continues to do his very best at attacking Nehemiah by asking more questions to so doubt such as “will they offer sacrifices?”.  This is scary to Lucifer because he wants the money.  He realizes that they are going to lose their money because God will be honored.  He continues to sow more doubt.  “Will they finish it in a day?”  They begin to put rulers on you trying to measure what God is going to do.  Don’t worry about it; just work.  Know the vision because people without a vision perish.  “Can they bring the stones back to life?”  How many people have been so hurt and burned?  1 Peter 2:5 says “you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”  Yes, Sanballat, what God has called us to do will happen and the walls of the church’s in America will be rebuilt




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