Stay Close to THE Shepherd
LISTEN NOW! John and Pat discuss the importance of staying close to The Shepherd. They continue to discuss a story regarding a sheep known to the world as Shrek. Shrek has become well known because the sheep was found after it was hidden for six years. The remarkable thing is that when the sheep was found its fleece weighed 60 pounds 6 times the amount of the sheep’s’ fleece normally weighs. It is reported that at most 15 pounds would be the maximum weight of a sheep’s’ fleece. Once the sheep was found, Shrek’s, fleece was shaven in 28 minutes. They continued to discuss the similarities between Shrek and believers that wander away from Jesus, the good shepherd. Those who have accepted Jesus into their hearts, the sheep, are meant to be close to the shepherd, Jesus. The Bible tells us in Psalm 23:1-3 that The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. They continue to discuss how many people and believers like to claim scriptures for themselves from the Bible even if they are not even following the Lord of the Bible. They discuss how yes it’s absolutely true that the Lord guides, restores, and leads his sheep but he guides, restores, and leads those who follow Him. Shrek the sheep is a perfect example of spiritual sheep that wander from the shepherd. The longer the sheep wander from the shepherd the heavier and heavier things get in their lives as well as a thick veil of deception. The devil comes to steal, kill, destroy and take advantage of the sheep that wander from the Lord. Matthew 11:28-30 states “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” God’s word is true however, we must apply God’s word to our life and we must come to him. They continue to encourage us to remain close to Jesus and warn us from wandering away from the Lord. This wandering only leads to death, why not choose to stay close.
Ex Satanic Russian Hit man Finds Jesus; None is unreachable
John and Pat discuss how an ex- satanic Russian hit man finds Jesus and his story reminds us that no one is unreachable in Christ. CBN News reports about a man named Gennady Terkun, a former Satanist and Russian hit man has been leading a church in a predominantly Muslim region. They continue to discuss how Gennady’s criminal activity eventually landed him in prison and four years after first hearing the gospel he gave his life to Jesus. They further discuss how so many times believers have been attacked by the enemy to give up believing for a lost friend or family member, resulting in accepting a lie as a fact that their loved one is lost forever. They encourage us not to lose hope. God is alive and well and he can save to the uttermost. They further discuss an account in Mark chapter 5 where a man who was demonized and possessed by a legion of demons was set free after he encountered the Lord. The man at one point was out of his mind and chained and after he encountered the Lord he was fully clothed and wanted to leave with Jesus. Jesus instructed the man to go back to his city and share with them what the Lord had done in his life. They continue to discuss the Lord’s power to transforms lives. Many people and programs boast of their transformational potential but nothing comes close to the transforming power of Jesus Christ. They further discuss how a new born baby, marriage, career, money, stuff, and things can remotely come close to transforming us the way God can. They encourage us to read a couple of their stories at meetmyfather.org and witness the power of God to transform a life forever.
Mayor Proclaims 2014 the YEAR of the BIBLE!
John and Pat discuss a recent proclamation made by Flower Mound, Texas, Mayor Tom Hayden when he proclaimed on December 16, 2013 at a city council meeting that 2014 is to be the “year of the Bible.” It has been reported by “The Blaze” that the mayor was nervous about doing this and that he has been thinking about it for two years. He said this was something he could not shake off and felt it was something he was supposed to do. The mayor said the he was first inspired about doing this when he heard a former outspoken Christian NFL player’s challenge when he said that God puts people in certain places to do certain things. Along with the proclamation the Mayor worked with pastors and citizens of Flower Mound to put together a website, “The Bible 2014” where all the citizens can read the same scriptures together for an entire year. They continue to applaud the mayor for his courageous bold stand and for believing what the Bible declares, that righteousness exalts a nation. They encourage us to understand the moment in which we live and how life is nothing but a vapor. They discuss how over the last 6,000 years many have come and gone and how we are all here on earth for such a short period of time and encourage us to use our influence for the cause of Christ. They encourage us to make 2014 the year of the Bible in our own lives and challenge us to commit to having an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ, reading daily His word and journaling what He shares with us. They encourage us to share this segment with the mayor of your city so they can do the same. They share for the renewed sense of hope and faith filled anticipation for a third great awakening to sweep across our country. The Bible consists of 66 different books written by 40 different authors inspired by the Holy Spirit over 1,500 years ago. They encourage us to read the Bible as well as ending Bible poverty all around the world and as of yet there are now close to 2,000 people groups who are need the Bible translated in the own native language. Cry out to God end Bible poverty all over the world starting with you. For a Bible reading plan go to VFNtv.com and select the “links” banner and for a simple plan go to iAbide.org.