Mayor Proclaims 2014 the YEAR of the BIBLE!
LISTEN NOW! John and Pat discuss a recent proclamation made by Flower Mound, Texas, Mayor Tom Hayden when he proclaimed on December 16, 2013 at a city council meeting that 2014 is to be the “year of the Bible.” It has been reported by “The Blaze” that the mayor was nervous about doing this and that he has been thinking about it for two years. He said this was something he could not shake off and felt it was something he was supposed to do. The mayor said the he was first inspired about doing this when he heard a former outspoken Christian NFL player’s challenge when he said that God puts people in certain places to do certain things. Along with the proclamation the Mayor worked with pastors and citizens of Flower Mound to put together a website, “The Bible 2014” where all the citizens can read the same scriptures together for an entire year. They continue to applaud the mayor for his courageous bold stand and for believing what the Bible declares, that righteousness exalts a nation. They encourage us to understand the moment in which we live and how life is nothing but a vapor. They discuss how over the last 6,000 years many have come and gone and how we are all here on earth for such a short period of time and encourage us to use our influence for the cause of Christ. They encourage us to make 2014 the year of the Bible in our own lives and challenge us to commit to having an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ, reading daily His word and journaling what He shares with us. They encourage us to share this segment with the mayor of your city so they can do the same. They share for the renewed sense of hope and faith filled anticipation for a third great awakening to sweep across our country. The Bible consists of 66 different books written by 40 different authors inspired by the Holy Spirit over 1,500 years ago. They encourage us to read the Bible as well as ending Bible poverty all around the world and as of yet there are now close to 2,000 people groups who are need the Bible translated in the own native language. Cry out to God end Bible poverty all over the world starting with you. For a Bible reading plan go to VFNtv.com and select the “links” banner and for a simple plan go to iAbide.org.
God Himself is OUR SHIELD; There is Safety in Jesus
John and Pat discuss how God Himself is our shield and how there is safety in Jesus. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 30:5 that “Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.” They continue to discuss how many people today have become more and more fretful over so many things ranging from terrorist attacks, sickness, stress and everything in between. They further discuss that God himself is our shield and continue to discuss the imagery of a shield and how God would describe Himself in such a way. When thinking about a shield they discuss how a shield is primarily a defensive weapon and it is designed to block and receive the swords and knives that would normally strike the person. They further discuss how God is so willing to get between us and the very thing that is heading directly to us aiming to do us harm. It is said that a boxer has a good chance of winning a match if he can avoid getting hit. Today many people and believers alike are getting bombarded on a daily basis and one of the main reasons is because they have stepped outside and away from God’s protection all the while they are quick to claim scriptures they don’t apply to their lives. They continue to discuss that just because a scripture is true doesn’t mean that it applies to everyone. Yes it’s true that an umbrella will keep you from getting wet but of course this applies to the one who actually opens up the umbrella. Yes it’s true that a coat will keep you warm but it keeps the person who puts on the coat warm. God’s word becomes true in your life when you have done two things; one accepting the God of the Bible and applying the truth in God’s word to your life. Put on Christ and make Him the Lord of your life. He desires to be your protector. Make Him the Lord of your life today.
Is Your Reputation in Tuned with God’s Reality? If not Strengthen What Remains
John and Pat discuss whether your reputation is in tune with God’s reality of you and if not strengthen what remains. They continue to discuss how Francis Chan who was an invited speaker at International House of Prayer KC, One Thing conference shared a powerful word not just for those who gathered at the conference but the entire church at large. Francis shared the plumb line of truth. Francis shares many truths from God’s word but one in particular is found in Revelation 3:1-3 “…I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God. Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent.” They continue to discuss the difference between having a reputation and what is reality. Reputation is what others perceive regarding your spiritual walk and reality is what God knows and if those two don’t match or are not in tune we need to repent and strengthen what remains. They further discuss whether the only time you pray, worship and read the Bible is when you are in a corporate gathering of believers. Our public worship gathering should only be reflective of our own daily individual encounters with God. We can only minister and give out of the overflow of our relationship with the Lord. The church should not be concerned with what others think regarding their spirituality but rather what God Himself knows to be true. Our value does not come from what others think about our walk with God but from God himself. It’s time to look deep within and examine our hearts. If our reality in God doesn’t match God’s reality repent, turn back to the Lord and strengthen what remains.