LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss the importance and the necessity like no other time to depend on God and not government for our needs. They continue to discuss how a prophecy is prophecy until it becomes reality. We have arrived in a place and time in America where the notion of leaning on government is becoming more and more acceptable and common place. For instance, the new health care mandate is making it so that children can stay on the parents insurance until the age of 26. Adult children depending on their parents, should this be so? Allegedly they also have passed a law that would allow orphans to remain in the home of adoptive parents until they turn 22. They further discuss how this administration has at one time spoken of the idea of 100 % tax. The true end result is slavery-total dependency on government rather than on God. They continued to share how on Patriot’s Day April 15, 2013 at the Boston Marathon America was attacked by Islamist terrorist. They further discuss how just one year later on the same date in 2014 it is predicted that the earth will experience the first of the four blood moons. We must remember that anything can happen and our hope and dependency does not need to be on government but rather on God alone. We need to lean on God.
LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss the importance and the necessity like no other time to depend on God and not government for our needs. They continue to discuss how a prophecy is prophecy until it becomes reality. We have arrived in a place and time in America where the notion of leaning on government is becoming more and more acceptable and common place. For instance, the new health care mandate is making it so that children can stay on the parents insurance until the age of 26. Adult children depending on their parents, should this be so? Allegedly they also have passed a law that would allow orphans to remain in the home of adoptive parents until they turn 22. They further discuss how this administration has at one time spoken of the idea of 100 % tax. The true end result is slavery-total dependency on government rather than on God. They continued to share how on Patriot’s Day April 15, 2013 at the Boston Marathon America was attacked by Islamist terrorist. They further discuss how just one year later on the same date in 2014 it is predicted that the earth will experience the first of the four blood moons. We must remember that anything can happen and our hope and dependency does not need to be on government but rather on God alone. We need to lean on God.