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Home » 20 Things We Should Say Often by the Kid President; Humor

20 Things We Should Say Often by the Kid President; Humor



LISTEN NOW! John and Pat discuss the 20 things we should say often shared by the Kid President.  It is amazing the powerful of kind words and what these words mean to others all around us when we step outside of ourselves to say something nice.  The Kid President in a funny way communicates with us some key phrases we can say as well as reminding us that sometimes the best thing is to say nothing at all.  Some of the top things Kid President shared with us were to say , Thank You, Excuse Me, Surprise Corndog, I forgive you, You can do it, everything is okay, I don’t know, life is tough and so are you just to say a few.  Remember that if you ever forget what to say you can always say something NICE.



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