LISTEN NOW! John and Pat discuss recent developments regarding the Affordable Healthcare Act. CNN Money reports that “The Obama administration is giving employers more time to comply with rules requiring them to provide affordable health insurance for their workers. Mid-sized companies with the equivalent of 50 to 99 full-time employees will now have until 2016 to provide affordable coverage under Obamacare, a year later than expected, the administration announced Monday.” They continue to discuss how since the very beginning the Affordable Healthcare Act has been plagued with problems and although many people differ about how the affordable health care can be provided to the American people most of all people agree that something should be done. They further discuss how the church should have compassion and be willing to explore how health care can be provided for all people. John continues to shares what he experienced when he visited the dentist for a tooth extraction although it was a basic procedure which caused minimal pain they further discussed how he felt blessed that he was having that procedure in the United States as opposed to a third world country where he might have not benefited from the care that he did receive. They further discussed how having compassion for those who do not have health insurance is very important and even discuss the possibilities of the church coming together to develop creative ways to provide health care to those in need.
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Tag: Healthcare, Obamacare, CNN Money, Dentist, America, Church