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Home » Are You Prepared for God’s Suddenlies? An Outpouring is soon Upon Us

Are You Prepared for God’s Suddenlies? An Outpouring is soon Upon Us


LISTEN NOW! John, Steve, and Pat discuss the importance of being prepared for God’s suddenlies.  They continue to discuss how God is about to bring His church into a season of suddenlies.  These moments will come upon you at a time you least expect.  God’s Spirit is about to move across the land and the wind of His spirit will blow.  A time of refreshing and revival is upon us and this coming outpouring is only what God alone is going to do.  He will choose who He wants to choose as His tools because He does not see the way man sees.  Men look at outward appearances but God looks at the heart.  Suddenlies are quick, unrehearsed, unplanned moments that bring significant change in our lives.  They continue to speak about several people in the Bible that had suddenlies that changed their lives forever.  God is going to do what He is going to do, the question is will you be ready because you have been faithful to prepare for his outpouring.  They continue to speak about the vulnerable place America finds herself today.  At any moment things can tragically and drastically change for the worse.  We must cry out to God, repent and turn from wicked ways so that God can continue to extend His mercy to us and bless us with times of refreshing.  God doesn’t want to destroy the land in fact He wishes that none would perish.  We can prepare and be ready for what God is about to do.  God is not surprised and those who take Him seriously won’t be surprised. Don’t be one who is surprise but be those who are preparing with great expectation for a move of God.


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Tags: prepare, revival, hunger, disciples

 Shuttetstock.com/Brian A Jackson

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