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Home » FACEBOOK BUYS OCCULUS RIFT 2 Billion: Virtual technology -Where are we headed?

FACEBOOK BUYS OCCULUS RIFT 2 Billion: Virtual technology -Where are we headed?

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LISTEN NOW! John, Greg, and Pat discuss how Facebook bought Ocullus Rift for $2 billion embracing virtual technology as they discuss where we are headed.  They continue with what the future will look like with all this virtual technology.  As it is many are lost today on their cell phones and tablets content with a virtual world while they neglect the realities around them.   It’s dangerous because it’s not real.   They also discuss the movie called “HER” in whom a man falls in love with his phone and her virtual voice.  They continue to discuss and encourage us not to settle for a virtual world but to instead press into the reality of serving the true living God. 

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Tags: Technology, HER, Facebook, Oculus Rift


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