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Home » Louie Giglio: Millennial May be Leaving the Church but they are Walking toward Jesus

Louie Giglio: Millennial May be Leaving the Church but they are Walking toward Jesus



LISTEN NOW! John, Greg, and Pat discuss a recent interview published in the Christian Post.  In this interview they asked the founder of Passion Conference, Louie Giglio whether he was concerned regarding the statistics of millennial leaving the church.  In so many words Louie said that millennial may be leaving more of what we call traditional churches but they are walking to Jesus.  Louie is quoted as saying “We’ve done events all over the world- Sydney, Tokyo, Hong Kong,, Malaysia, Sao Paulo (Brazil), Vancouver (Canada).  Everywhere we go to do an event, there is an arena of some kind full of young people, full of 18 year olds, 20 year olds worshipping Jesus.  So I think the church is actually gaining ground with Millennial and not losing ground.”  They further discussed that if God is moving elsewhere and young people are going to where Jesus is moving than maybe you need to consider following them. They are not leaving God but they may be leaving you.   Isn’t it worth you losing your kingdom if people are finding Jesus?  This is our driving passion at VFNtv and the Daily VFNRadio Program for people to find and fall in love with Jesus.  Many young people are finding Jesus in what Paul Keith Davis called Apostolic Centers, a place where they can come get charged for God and launched into their destiny. 

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Tags: Christian Post, Louie Giglio, Passion Conference, Apostolic Resource Center, Asbury College, Brownsville, Morningstar, International House of Prayer- Kansas City, millenials


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