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Home » The Coming Financial CYBER ATTACK

LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss how it’s not just important to know the news but to know what to do with the news you know.  They discuss how as a society and country we have become so dependent on technology.  Former President Bill Clinton has been quoted for saying “it’s the economy stupid”.  America has made money her god and it has allegedly been said that the terrorist attacks of 9/11 knew that and that was the reasoning behind the attack.  According to CBN “America is vulnerable to more terrorist attacks but not the kind you might expect.  According to security expert Kevin Freeman cyber-terrorists are poised to launch a massive assault on the U.S. economy.”  This attack will affect many Americans.  Kevin Freedman the author of Game Plan:How to Protect Yourself from the Coming Cyber-Economic Attack warns of two things one being a cyber- attack on our financial system and EMT that could just come in and blow everything up.  They continue to discuss what Kevin shared in regard to the many strategies and attacks that are coming from other nations naming China as one.  Kevin shares that they understand that best way to hit America is not against her military but through technology.  They continue to remind us to exercise wisdom in terms of finances and to even print things out that prove what you own and what you owe.  They continue to share how the focus is not on stopping it because this great vulnerability but rather what to do in bringing it back.  They also encourage us to take the time and to make an effort to back up your computer because the time will come when you need to be able to access your data.


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Tags: technology, drones, Germany, cyber attack, CBN, Kevin Friedman, EMTs, Syrian army, collapse, Blaze TV, Glenn Beck


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