LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss how there is hope to be freed from captivity. They remind us that God hears when we cry out to him. He has seen your captivity issue in your marriage, children, and your job and knows that you just feel stuck. You feel like you are living in an oppressive state. They remind the body of Christ, the family of God, that greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world. Although you feel stuck do you believe that at any moment you can be set free? They continue to discuss that the biggest form of captivity is religious captivity. When revival comes it causes us to reevaluate everything because all we want is God’s presence and to do the right thing. They remind us that God always take his people on a journey which involves process. They further remind us of the importance of abiding and hearing God’s voice and obeying what he tells us to do. At the end it’s always an abiding relationship that will not only draw you closer to the Lord but when you are closer to the Lord you have the opportunity to hear his voice and to do what he tells you to do.