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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour March 26, 2014

VFNRadio Second Hour March 26, 2014


 God Dances Over You
LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss how God dances over you as they discuss Dutch Sheets new book The Pleasure of His Company.  They continue to discuss how  just this thought alone would ruin some people’s perception of God but the truth is that God is not like us we are like Him.  We are made in the image of God.   If we feel emotions like pain and joy we can only imagine the depths and levels of emotions that God feels.   We must understand we cry because God cries’ we laugh because He laughs.  God is so full of emotion for his creation and loves each person so very much in fact before we turned our hearts to Him he loved us enough to die for us.  God is excited over you and filled with exuberant joy for his creation and the word of God tells in in Zephaniah 3:17 that God rejoices over you with joyful songs.  He dances over you.  If God be for you who can be against you?
Moderate Muslims? Oxymoron
John, Greg, and Pat discuss whether there can be such a thing as moderate Muslim and is it truly an oxymoron.  The word Islam is said to mean “to submit” and Muslim means one who submits to Islam and its teaching.  Can there truly be a moderate anything?  In fact a moderate Christians is said to be “lukewarm” in Revelation 3:16 and would be spewed out of the mouth of God.   It was once said that the hope for America is “moderate” Muslims and “moderate” Christians; the truth is that is no hope at all.  The hope for America can only be found in Jesus Christ and Him alone.  They continue to discuss the importance of understanding Islam and to know that there are no such things as extreme Muslims and moderate Muslims there are only those who obey the teaching of the Koran and those who pick and choose what they will submit too in regards to Islam making them not a true Muslim according to Islam.  The question before us in regards to the church is are we who claim to know God truly going to walk with Him?  God loves you so much and desires for you to have a true relationship with Him through His son Jesus Christ.  You can meet him today go to MeetMyFather .org
America: VULNERABLE on Every Front: Only Hope is Turn to God
 John, Greg, and Pat discuss how the vulnerabilities that exist in America and how her only hope is for her turning to God and God alone.  They continue to discuss how America is possible more vulnerable now than any time in history.  The truth is that every person, company, country etc. you name all have vulnerabilities.  They further discuss that to be vulnerable means to be open, exposed, capable of and susceptible to being wounded or hurt as well as making it difficult to defend.  The truth is that no matter how big or strong you are you will always have areas in your life of weakness and vulnerabilities that if taken advantage of will take you down.  For instance, just look at our nation and what is happening today.   We are vulnerable on so many fronts especially when it comes to the defense of our borders in particular what is happening in Mexico.  We are vulnerable with a weakened and thinned out military.    We are vulnerable with an economy that is more fragile than your mother’s china.  We are vulnerable in our food with now only 2% of our country producing food for 98% of the population.  More people are now coming into the awareness that we are vulnerable in the power grids that are scattered around the country namely those that are close to the Silicon Valley and the New York Stock exchange.  CBN reports of the significant terror threat that exists when it comes to taking out one of our nation’s power grids.  In fact it has been said that if the planes on 9-11 hit the power grid that powers the New York Stock Exchange that would have caused even more chaos and destruction than what had occurred first to N.Y. , the rest of the nation, and to the nations of the world.  America has not just become vulnerable but it has always had these weak and exposed spots.  The real issue is this points to what has kept our control safe in years past is her humility and being one nation under God.    They continue to share with us the reason America has not suffered more is because of God’s rich mercy extended to her giving us all the opportunity to repent and to turn to God. 
 Building on the Right Foundation; The Implemented and “Practiced” WORD of God

 John, Greg, and Pat discuss the importance on building on the right foundation which is the implemented and practiced Word of God.  They continue to share that it matters very little how many sermons we hear and if we read the Bible cover to cover if we don’t implement and practice the word of God in our daily lives.   Matthew 7:24-27“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.  But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”  It’s the one who hears the word of God and puts it into practice is the one who is building on a solid foundation.  They continue to discuss how many are continuing to build yet they have no foundation.  Jesus told us that we will face trials and tribulations of many kinds and when the storms do come what has been built on the wrong foundation will truly come down and crash.  They encourage us to embrace an abiding relationship with God and to begin to implement and practice His word in our lives.  The things of God are not difficult.  Mark Twain said that it’s not the things he doesn’t understand in the Bible that give him the toughest problem it’s the things he does understand.  We must not be left to our understanding alone but must rely truly on the Word of God that we have embraced and practiced in our life that we may become more like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.



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