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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour March 5, 2014

VFNRadio Second Hour March 5, 2014

Answered Prayer: German Homeschool Family Granted “special” status to remain in America
LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss a recent answer to prayer it has just been made known that the German family, the Romeiki’s have just been granted indefinite deferred action status.  Up until this moment the Romeiki’s were seeking asylum in the United States.  CBN reports that “In 2008, the Romeike family fled Germany because the state threatened to take their children away if they did not enroll them in public school. In 2013, the Justice Department argued in the Romeike case that home schooling is not a fundamental human right. The department filed suit to have them sent back to Germany.  It almost went to the Supreme Court but the court refused to hear the case.  They continue to discuss why our country would give this family such a hard time when our same country has allowed countless illegal immigrants to remain in the U.S. although they do not pledge allegiance to the U.S. especially those who are committing crimes.  Although they have to abide by the terms of their new status and if caught committing any crime known and unknown they can be in jeopardy of being sent back, they expressed their gratitude to God for allowing the Romeiki family to remain in the United States.
American Flag Banned by Court in Public School
 John, Greg, and Pat discuss how the courts have banned the public display of the American flag in Morgan Hill Unified School District.    In the case Dariano v. Morgan Hill Unified School District the 9th circuit ruled that a public school can actually ban the American flag.  What made it even worse is that other countries flags can be proudly displayed.  They continued to discuss how this decision was made by a three judge panel where they were more pleased to allow the school district to infringe on students first amendment rights than to deal with the real issue of violence that brought this case in the forefront to begin with.  Students who attended the school in celebrating Cinco de Mayo alleged pledge violence toward other students for their display of the American flag.  They further discuss the importance of the bill of rights in our constitution.  We are finding that Americans don’t know their constitution because they don’t read it and the same is true for some Christians; they don’t know God’s word because they don’t read it.  They suggest that if we hold onto God’s Word, the Bible, again just maybe we will be able to hold onto the constitution.  However, it must be done in that order.
Safety Awareness: Know How to Protect Your Home from the BUMP KEY
Greg, John, and Pat discuss the safety awareness and the recent news regarding the easily accessible bump key that is being purchased on the internet for only $2.  The key when inserted into any lock with a couple of bumps with a hammer or stick enters the lock and allows the lock to open.  They continue to discuss the reason they are bringing this to our attention is because things are about to change in America and we must be informed on how to best protect our homes and loved ones from intruders.  We are about to enter some difficult times and it makes sense to take the necessary precautionary steps to keep you family protected.  They discuss several things you should do for added security such as installing a security system as well as installing high security locks with special keys.  Of course the best security you can ever have is the one that comes with salvation.  Protection with the Lord’s heavenly host of angels.  Be sure to get protected today. 
Burning Man Tickets Sell Out in 45 Minutes

John, Greg, and John discuss how tickets for the burning man festival sold out in just 45 minutes.  The burning man festival takes place in the Nevada desert where some people from all over the county dance around naked in front of an estimated 75 foot tall burning structure in the shape of a man.  This is nothing less than pagan worship as they do all kinds of debauchery acts.  The burning man was actually displayed as one of Google’s first logos.  They continue to discuss how this is not a place for Christians to be and encourage us not to show up to places like this unaware as.  They caution us regarding judging those who attend these festivals as the Bible is filled with the people of God doing paganistic worship i.e. dancing around the golden calf.  We are called to love people and offer them the truth and to lead them to worship the one true God who truly loves them and is eager for them to know Him. 



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