LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss a letter Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon just wrote to his shareholders. In this letter he updated the shareholders about several things. He was sure to update shareholders regarding new technology such as “May Day” that is found on the Kindle as well as confirming that Air Prime is a definite. We will be receiving our packages and books through drones. They say not to misjudge the drones for Locust because it’s just their packages arriving.
What was also interesting is was how Amazon has a new program where they actually pay their employees to quit. That’s right, they pay their employees to quit.
In the first year the company offers the employee $2000 to quit if they are not happy working at Amazon. The second year, they are offered an additional $1000 and additional $1000 for every year after that until they reach $5000, and at that time if they want to quit they will pay them with a $5000 check.
The idea behind this program is to ensure that Amazon employees get a chance to evaluate their job and find out if they are truly happy working there. Their hope is to have employees who really want to work at their business.
They remind us to seize the moment because many people today spend more time complaining about their employment as f someone kidnapped them, dressed them, drove them to work and drop them off.
The truth is that you can enjoy your work and be grateful for the job that God has blessed you with. Many people all around the world would love the opportunity just to be able to work. Today you can make up your mind that no matter what you are facing in your employment you will embrace it with a great attitude of gratitude.
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Tags: Amazon, employment, jobs