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Home » Avoiding the Hard Crashes that are bound to come when we Don’t Build on the Right Foundation

Avoiding the Hard Crashes that are bound to come when we Don’t Build on the Right Foundation

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LISTEN NOW! In this abiding moment Pat, Greg, and John the wise and foolish builder Jesus described in Matthew 7:24-29.  The difference between the two is one built on the solid foundation of the implemented and practiced word of God and the other built with no implemented and practiced foundation.   When the storms come and they do come, only the house that is built on the practiced and not just heard word of God will stand.  Many today are hearing plenty of Word but they are not implementing and practicing the word they hear in their daily lives and are deceiving themselves.  If not doing and practicing the word of God they are taking their own counsel of pride and they will eventually fall.  How much of the church is taking in worldly wisdom?  Everybody else is doing it, it seems right.   Rick Joyner saw spiritual battles where great men of God were taken down by two little demons of pride and fear.  It’s best to stay low walk in humility and put to practice God’s word in your lives.



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Tags: discipleship, obedience


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