LISTEN NOW! John, Steve and Pat discuss how China will be the most Christian nation by 2030 according to CBN and London Sunday Telegraph. “It is going to be less than a generation. Not many people are prepared for this dramatic change,” Fenggang Yang, a leading expert on religion in China, told the newspaper.” They continue to discuss the ramifications of many Christians as well as Yang, professor of sociology at Purdue’s new book, Religion in China: Survival and Revival under Communist Rule. They discuss how committed the church in China is and how they challenge Christians in the west. It has been reported that the underground church alone is close to 130 million believers but by 2030 the church in China is projected to be 247 million strong. They further discuss how many people think that conveniences of living in the west in the United States, nation of laws, would help to further the gospel and in some instances it has but it is said that it hasn’t nearly produced such committed Christians like the believers in China. Christians who professor Yang says have not only survived but have been in Revival under Communist rule. They continue to ask the question what we are doing in the church in the west. Have we been possibly majoring on the minors while not majoring on the majors? It’s time for the church in the west to truly embrace the notion that Jesus alone is enough.
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China Set to Be ‘Most Christian Nation’ by 2030
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Tags: persecution, growth, Christianity