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Home » Company in China, Alibaba Set to have Bigger IPO than Facebook?

Company in China, Alibaba Set to have Bigger IPO than Facebook?

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LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, and Steve discuss a company in China, Alibaba that is set to have a bigger IPO than Facebook.  According to CNN Money the tech company was not started in Harvard or Mit but instead in an apartment in China by former English teacher Jack Ma.  The company was started with $60,000 investment from 18 friends.   CNN Money reports that “The Company has since evolved into the dominant force in China’s e-commerce industry, a market with so much potential that Alibaba’s IPO may be the largest ever by a tech company — surpassing even the $16 billion raised by Facebook.  They continue to encourage us to believe God for inventions and creative concepts that create jobs and industry for people.  They discuss how George Washington Carver asked God to reveal to him the secrets of the universe instead God shared with him the mysteries of the peanut.  This unfolding from God to him resulted in the creation of over 300 products many in which we are using today.  The next big company may be inside of you the important thing is to remember God and honor Him with what He has blessed you with.

CNN Money’s detail of Alibaba’s coming IPO

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