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Home » Jewish Center Shooting; Anti-Semitic Shooter on the Eve of the Four Blood Moons

Jewish Center Shooting; Anti-Semitic Shooter on the Eve of the Four Blood Moons


LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss the recent shooting at the Jewish Center in Kansas.   CBN reports, “The suspect, a 73-year-old Missouri man named Frazier Glenn Miller, reportedly has a history of racist and anti-Semitic activity.”  We must remember this man shot Americans and be careful not to allow the media to define them by anything else.  They continue to discuss how all of this happened on the eve of the four blood moons and how the enemy is just showing his cards.  Anti-Semitism is the root of racism.  The Jerusalem Postidentifies the shooter and murderer of three people as a man “who formerly ran for a Senate seat in Missouri and once held the title of “grand dragon” of the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.”  This man was held captive by an evil spirit.  This man is about what has been happening in our country for a long time even after the emancipation proclamation was signed.  It was 100 years later before African Americans were beginning to receive their full civil rights as an American citizen.  This racism was evident during the tenure of several state Governors in Mississippi and Alabama just to name a few.  Have we begun to be sympathetic to this reality?   If we keep trying to push Israel into the sea, that just opens our nation so that we can’t get free.  We must understand that racist burned crosses in the lawns of African Americans.   They took over a symbol that represents God’s love for humanity and burned it.  The church needs to rise to the occasion and acknowledge it for what this is.  Part of healing me is understanding me.  Lord, deliver your church from any division that would separate brothers and sisters and bless us with a move of God like the Asuza Street revival. 



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Tags: anti-semitism, persecution, CBN, Jerusalem Post, Kansas, shooting


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